angled walls? Add wallpaper!

It’s no secret that I love to use color and pattern when designing a space, but there’s one prospect makes me completely giddy, and that’s installing wallpaper on sloped walls!

Angled walls can be challenging to work with, because in many cases the ceiling starts to angle just a few feet above the floor, making it feel short and awkward.

Wallpaper to the rescue! Applying wallpaper to the entire wall - angle and all - creates an illusion of space and a feeling of intimacy at the same time. A design high-five for sure!

I love a cozy space, especially a cozy bedroom! Love the layers of pattern in this room - and the headboard is absolutely dreamy!

Toile is timeless, and is enjoying a resurgence in popularity. As seen in this photo, layering on the toile creates maximal impact.

How absolutely charming is this attic bathroom? The block printed wallpaper is beautiful - but that’s just the beginning! Love the penny tile striped floor and the beautiful shape of the marble backsplash behind the sink.

Stripes are an easy choice for a sloped ceiling. They lift your eye upward creating a feeling of height and openness.

This wallpaper is by Schumacher and it’s called “a-twitter”. It’such a great choice for an attic bedroom - feels like you’re in a treehouse!

The toile! So pretty on the walls, the ceiling, and at the windows. Wallpaper covers every wall and ceiling surface in this charming attic bedroom and I love it!

Life is short and at times difficult. The right wallpaper in the right place can bring joy and contentment to the daily grind, especially in unexpected places!